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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Why bringing your phone with when you switch carriers could save you money

I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better then the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers.

Why bringing your phone with when you switch carriers could save you money

(BPT) - Taking your current phone with you when you switch wireless carriers — referred to as “bring your own phone” (BYOP) or “bring your own device” (BYOD) — is an increasingly popular option for those who simply don’t feel the need to buy a new phone. Today’s smartphones are so good, and so powerful, that they really don’t need to be replaced as often as in the past. Plus, it can save you lots of money.

Here are all the things you’ll need to know to bring your own phone to the carrier of your choice, from unlocking your device to checking for compatibility to picking the right plan.

1) Make sure your phone is paid off

When considering bringing your phone to a new carrier, the first thing to make sure of is that you've fully paid for your device. Most carriers allow you to finance your phone via monthly installments, where the phone costs are incorporated into your monthly bill. It’s easy to forget that your bill is composed of both your plan and your phone costs.

Before switching, double-check your account to confirm your phone has been paid off in its entirety. In most cases, you can pay off the remaining balance of your phone in one lump sum, freeing you of any device-related contractual obligations with your current carrier.

2) Check that your phone is unlocked

The next thing to do is make sure that your device is unlocked — meaning it is no longer bound to its original carrier network. Phones aren’t always locked, but some are. The lock is a software code that's put on the phone by the manufacturer per the requirement of the carrier that sells the device. The lock is meant to ensure that the phone can't be used on any other operator's network until a different software code is entered to unlock the device.

If you have a device that is locked, you can get it unlocked from your wireless carrier if you meet certain criteria, like having the device paid in full. If you meet these requirements, having your device unlocked can usually be done simply by making a call to your carrier’s customer service department and requesting it.

3) Checking your phone's carrier compatibility

While most newer smartphones are compatible across networks, some older phones and devices are limited to operating on specific network technologies (CDMA or GSM). Depending on your phone’s age, make and model, you may need to narrow down your desired carrier list based on which ones support your mobile device.

To find out if your current device is compatible with your new carrier, perform an IMEI check. Most carriers have an IMEI checker on their websites, so you can input the number yourself and get your answer in mere seconds. The IMEI is a unique 15-digit ID number for your cell phone. You can find out your phone’s IMEI number by dialing *#06# on your device.

Find a better phone plan

Once you’ve confirmed that your new provider’s network is compatible with your phone, and that your phone is unlocked, switching is simple. You’ll get a SIM card from your new carrier and insert it into the proper slot on your device. The process will vary depending on the type of device you have. SIM cards come in three sizes (Nano, Micro and Standard) and the location of the SIM slot is not uniform, though most are on the side of your phone.

Carriers today make it easy to switch. Consumer Cellular, for instance, provides the SIM card and activation on their nationwide networks for free when you sign up using a compatible GSM phone. In addition, they offer no-contract monthly plans which include talk, text and data.

Love your phone, but not your carrier? These days it’s easy to switch and save money by bringing your own phone along.


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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Kids and the COVID vaccine: What should a parent know?

I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better then the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers.

Kids and the COVID vaccine: What should a parent know?

(BPT) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted an Emergency Use Authorization allowing adolescents ages 12-15 to get the COVID vaccine — another giant leap forward in the fight against this coronavirus.

Your 12-year-old is eligible for the COVID vaccine! Here’s what a pediatric epidemiologist wants you to know.

“We’re elated to be able to protect more people from COVID-19 through vaccination. We understand that parents may have questions before signing their kids up for the vaccine and we’re always happy to answer those questions and arm families with the information they need to feel comfortable. The biggest things I want parents to know are that this vaccine is safe, effective and our best shot at beating COVID-19,” said Dr. Emily Godbout, epidemiologist and infectious diseases specialist at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU.

Dr. Godbout answers some of the most common questions parents have about the COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents.

Which vaccine is available for kids ages 12+?

The FDA’s most recent EUA is specifically for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children 12-15 years old. This is currently the only COVID vaccine authorized for people under 18.

How do we know it’s safe?

Before the FDA grants an EUA, vaccines go through a rigorous series of trials. Children’s immune systems are different from adults' and they can even vary at different ages. Vaccines are fully tested on specific age groups for their unique stages of development. EUAs are granted for age groups only once the vaccines have proved to be safe and effective. Multiple federal partners are working together to ensure that the COVID-19 vaccines are as safe as possible.

The COVID-19 vaccines were developed rapidly not because corners were cut, but because they were a top priority and, thankfully, research on a COVID-19 vaccine didn’t have to start from scratch. Scientists have significant prior experience working with other coronaviruses such as SARS and MERS.

Will the COVID-19 vaccine impact fertility?

There is no evidence that any COVID-19 vaccine causes fertility problems. In fact, many professional organizations support and encourage women who are interested in becoming pregnant to get a COVID-19 vaccine since it offers great protection.

Is the COVID vaccine dose for adolescents the same as for adults?

Yes. For the groups approved thus far, the same dose is given no matter the person’s age or size. This is really because the vaccine impacts the immune system, rather than muscles, bones or fat, which are what influence a person’s weight. As studies continue on younger children, we may find that smaller doses are recommended based on the needs and responses of their immune systems.

Are side effects the same in kids and adults?

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine trials showed that side effects observed in the 12-15 age group were generally consistent with those in the 16-25-year-olds. Mild side effects — such as arm pain, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, chills and fever — are a sign the body is building protection. While they can be annoying, they should go away in a couple days.

How much does the COVID vaccine cost?

There is no out-of-pocket cost for the COVID vaccine, no matter where you receive it. Vaccine administration fees are covered by insurance, Medicaid, Medicare or the federal government for individuals without insurance.

Where can kids 12 and up get the COVID vaccine?

Many health care providers and pharmacies are providing the COVID-19 vaccine. Contact your child’s pediatrician or primary care provider for information about availability, or register with your state’s health department to be notified when it’s their turn for the vaccine.

Will the COVID vaccine be required for school in the fall?

This decision will be up to the individual school districts. For the upcoming school year, it will likely be encouraged rather than required for the authorized age groups. Some colleges and universities, on the other hand, have implemented a COVID vaccine requirement for the 2021-22 academic year. This is certainly something to watch closely as kids and teens prepare for the new school year.

Keep up with the latest COVID vaccine information for kids and teens from Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU at


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Proteja su audición cuando el ruido invada su vida

I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better then the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers.

Proteja su audición cuando el ruido invada su vida

(BPT) - Estamos rodeados de sonidos todos los días. El tráfico, la televisión, los eventos deportivos y la música son solo algunos de los sonidos que nos son familiares. Los sonidos alegres nos traen placer y los de advertencia (como la bocina de un automóvil) ayudan a protegernos del peligro. Sin embargo, algunos sonidos pueden dañar la audición, a veces en un solo instante y a menudo de forma permanente.

Los resultados de las pruebas de audición sugieren que en los Estados Unidos casi uno de cada cuatro adultos de 20 a 69 años de edad puede padecer pérdida de audición inducida por el ruido en uno o ambos oídos. Una forma en que ocurre este tipo de pérdida de audición es al dañarse los “estereocilios” (las pequeñas estructuras similares a cabellos ubicadas en la parte superior de las células ciliadas sensoriales del oído interno), debido a ruidos demasiado fuertes o de duración prolongada. Si se dañan los estereocilios, no pueden transmitir con precisión la información del sonido hacia el cerebro.

Mientras más fuerte sea el sonido, más daño puede causar y más rápido se produce el daño. Al principio, la pérdida de audición no es tan perceptible, pero con el paso del tiempo puede empeorar. Por ejemplo, puede ocurrir que de pronto las palabras le suenen amortiguadas y le resulten más difíciles de comprender.

La buena noticia es que se puede prevenir la pérdida de audición inducida por el ruido. Reconocer los peligros relacionados con los sonidos perjudiciales puede ayudarle a proteger su audición y a salvaguardar la salud auditiva de su familia.

La mejor manera de proteger su audición y prevenir la pérdida inducida por el ruido es evitar los sonidos fuertes y las actividades ruidosas siempre que sea posible. Cuando pueda, baje el volumen de la televisión y los reproductores de música, y aléjese de los ruidos dañinos. Si el ruido fuerte es inevitable, use tapones de oídos u orejeras con protección auditiva.

El Instituto Nacional de la Sordera y Otros Trastornos de la Comunicación (NIDCD, por sus siglas en inglés), que forma parte de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud, ofrece consejos útiles para proteger su audición. El video Protección de la audición: Cómo usar los tapones de oídos moldeables muestra la forma correcta de insertarse los tapones de espuma, que se pueden adquirir a bajo costo. Por su parte, el video Protección de la audición: Cómo usar los tapones de oídos premoldeados muestra la forma correcta de usar los tapones premoldeados, que son ideales para conciertos y otras actividades en las que desea proteger su audición sin perder la calidad del sonido.

Las orejeras son otro tipo de protector auditivo que son fáciles de usar, pero es posible que no funcionen eficazmente en las personas que usan gafas o anteojos, o que usan peinados que crean espacios donde el sonido pudiera penetrar en el oído. Mientras tanto, las orejeras de protección auditiva pueden ser una buena opción para los niños, porque son más fáciles de usar que los tapones de oídos.

El uso simultáneo de orejeras de protección auditiva y de tapones de oídos puede reducir el sonido aún más y es una buena opción para entornos muy ruidosos como talleres de carpintería y eventos de tiro deportivo.

Es fácil comprar protección auditiva porque muchos establecimientos, especialmente los centros de jardinería y las ferreterías, venden tapones de oídos y orejeras de protección auditiva Ambos también son fáciles de encontrar en diversas tiendas de Internet.

Si desea identificar los ruidos dañinos, utilice una aplicación gratuita que mida los decibelios para determinar los niveles de los sonidos en su entorno. Un ejemplo es la aplicación del Medidor de sonido, creada para usarse con dispositivos iOS por el Instituto Nacional para la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (NIOSH, por sus siglas en inglés), parte de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés).

Para obtener más información sobre cómo proteger su audición, lea la hoja de información sobre protectores de oídos del NIDCD. Mantenga su salud auditiva para poder disfrutar de la gran variedad de sonidos que nos ofrece la vida a diario.


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Sunday, July 11, 2021


I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better then the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers.


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Monday, June 21, 2021


"Bigdoggpinc" - I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. #mindfulness #goingaboveandbeyond #bigdoggpinc

Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. I make a big deal for you! I cover alot of stores and services that have been posting deals as great or better then the one-time only Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers. I am just providing a service! During this pandemic alot of social platforms create great deals and services but many are just scams. In searching for deals 2 things come to mind do they have a real address. Can you contact them by phone. It does not mean they are a scam it just means if they decide to disappear where do you stand to find them? I think when giving you credit card or banking information you should know who you are dealing with. The thing about me posting in this guide nothing here has been banned by Facebook. So I can give you many options take a look! 

Your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist
I am Bigdoggpinc my goal is to bring businesses and people together in a way that creates value for both. People find stuff they like! Businesses find people who like what they do! Online shopping is convenient, quick, easy, and—often—more affordable than shopping in person. That is where I have exceeded to be of service during this pandemic. I am only as strong as the trusted platforms I sincerely endorse; Facebook(Bigdoggpinc Informer), Webtalk (Bigdoggpinc), Twitter (Bigdoggpinc), Linkedin (in/bigdoggpinc/), Alignable (bigdoggpinc-o2-distributors) I am not bashing any other platforms I am too busy being of great service on these platforms I fully endorse that has brought me amazing traffic, new friends, a solid new powerful network on each.

About Bigdoggpinc's "I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist." Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Been in business since 1999 as a home based business owner. Building my brand name has not only been uplifting to my moral and spirit I am a part of something more. I help people worldwide find trusted goods and services. You can find me on major search engines worldwide as "Bigdoggpinc"!  
Leonard Bigdoggpinc has an account with shopping and various services. Stay plugged in with me!
Hello everyone, with even alot of online stores not able to stay open due to slow funding I am trying my part.
I am your Eyeball Acquisition Specialist. Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to. Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc.  Leonard Bigdoggpinc has many accounts with shopping and various services. Stay plugged in with me! Find ideas for shopping ideas from Bigdoggpinc. There is only one Bigdoggpinc = Big Dogg Productions Incorporated. #goingaboveandbeyond